
SEC Extends SLATE Review Period Due to Industry Concerns

Many Believe FINRA Exceeded its Mandate

David Schwartz J.D. CPA 0 494

The SEC extended the review period for FINRA's proposed SLATE rules, designed to implement securities lending reporting under Rule 10c-1a. Industry participants voiced concerns that the proposed rules exceed the SEC mandate by requiring additional data elements not explicitly outlined in the regulation. These elements, such as expected settlement dates, fee details, and various modifiers, could potentially expose sensitive financial information and proprietary trading strategies. Additionally, concerns were raised about the reintroduction of intraday reporting and the lack of transparency in the rulemaking process. Overall, the industry calls for a more measured approach that balances regulatory requirements with the need to protect confidential information.

Predictive AI in Securities Finance: Step One

How to Develop an Efficient, Legally-defensible Machine Learning Infrastructure

Ed Blount 0 1948

On April 2nd, 2026, an effusion of data from a daily trove of U.S. regulatory filings will create resources to drive many new use cases for artificial intelligence in capital markets. A clear opportunity exists in securities finance, where practitioners have repeatedly stated that major IT investments will be needed to comply with the many new regulatory mandates. “Black box” AI platforms may seem a ready solution but can also create nightmares for client reviews and lawsuits.

Beyond Benchmarking: The Race to Predictive Analytics in Securities Finance

10C-1 public data can reveal Watch Lists, but vendor data can predict market leverage and fees

Ed Blount 0 1516

When, on October 13, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission released its long-awaited final 10c-1 rule on reporting and public disclosure of securities loans, the most important passage, at least to the commercial data vendors who support the securities finance community, stated that, "the final rule could render existing securities lending data services less valuable, potentially leading to less revenue for the firms currently compiling and distributing these data for a fee." But is that true? Are bonuses and careers really at risk?? As shown in the table below, there is hope for vendors because the public data release will either omit or delay several data elements that are crucial to many important vendor applications today.


New Money Fund Reforms: Safer and More Resilient Cash Collateral Pools?

More liquidity, transparency, and safety for institutional investors?

David Schwartz J.D. CPA 0 1979

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently adopted final rules on money market (2a-7) fund reforms. These reforms are designed to make money market funds more resilient and liquid, potentially making them safer and more attractive vehicles for mutual funds to use as collateral pools for their securities lending programs.

SEC Adopts Long Awaited Securities Lending Disclosure Rule

Persuasive Public Comment Helps Mold the Final Rule

David Schwartz J.D. CPA 0 2080

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has adopted a new rule, rule 10c-1, to increase transparency in the securities lending market. The rule requires certain persons to report information about securities loans to a registered national securities association (RNSA). The RNSA will then make certain information publicly available. Published in December of 2021, the proposal received considerable public comment, requiring the Commission to extend the initial 30-day comment period twice, once due to a technical problem receiving comments, and then again to consider whether there would be any effects of proposed Rule 13f–2 that the Commission should consider in connection with proposed Rule 10c–1. Throughout the final release, the Commission notes where persuasive public comment informed the ultimate text of the rule.